Official Luthiers Forum!

Do what you wish
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Author:  bob J [ Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:40 am ]
Post subject: 

I have explained and appologised for my post re CNC that has caused such consternation in this community I have loved and do love. I have received many warm and encouraging messages from members here.

I am still firm; that inorder to appease those who find me so objectionalble, I, with great sadness, consent to my membership termination by the powers that be so that this type of confligration need not happen again. I strive, with every esscence and fiber in my being to live by the Golden Rule-obviously a few here believe me to be a failure at this here-and for this I apologize again.

I will refrain from further posts until 'the powers that be inform me that 'I am a good enough person and member to remain on the OLF and that some members of 'the powers' have ripped my flesh to their satisfaction.

Author:  Kim [ Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Bob, lighten up, cant we just talk about guitars. No ripping of flesh required mate just pick a part and ask away cause THAT is what this forum is all about.

If someone gives you grief, ignore them and move on cause no matter how well someone makes a guitar it does not teach them how not to be an ass hole. Just like the world you walk in my friend you just need to shrug and move on. Sure it's OK to remember how certain people are and ignore them for good if you wish but mate, it realy is time to leave this kind of stuff behind and take the good with the bad.



Author:  Hesh [ Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Bob buddy you are a very valued forum member and I sincerely hope that you will stay.

I also sincerely hope that we can all just drop this now and get back to guitar building.  Please?

Author:  Hesh [ Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Kim....  complete agreement from me with you M8.

I believe that it is one word though.......

Author:  Brad Way [ Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Well stated Kim.

Either forgive and forget or get together with the person and work out your differences. In either case lets get back to talking shop!

Author:  bob J [ Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Thank Larkim and Hesh,
My wish co-insides with yours.
However, with no word from Lance and/or the 'other powers' here shouts volumes that all members are not treated the same (certainly, we are not equals in terms of teaching, information and experience) but I naively believed that we were all to treated equals as human beings. Their silence certainly tells me that the rules are different for different members and their silence, does in fact give acquiescence to which I was subjected.

Author:  Anthony Z [ Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Bob I don’t agree with you but I am sympathetic to your point of view and what I believe you are feeling.

With all due respect to Lance and Brock, their silence doesn’t mean a lot. They are but the facilitators and hosts here. We collectively are the OLF. To me it’s what people like Kim (Larkim), Hesh, Ron Wisdom, etc. say that matters to me.

So you better stick around as I believe it was you that I promised a tutorial that I have been working on over the weekend.

Folks we – being the members, sponsors and hosts made this forum what it is. It is the darn best guitar building forum on the net. We all need to grow thicker skins and be more tolerant of each other.

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